The ideal number of sexual partners has been revealed, and 13 is the magic number

* Men and women both agree that 13 is the optimal number of people you should sleep with!
* 18 partners and over, is when someone’s past sexual escapades become a turn off
* 2 out of 3 women lie about their magic number, compared to only 1 out of 8 men
*  Only 31% of us actually want to know about our partners sexual history
* Results come from new survey by, the UK’s leading dating website for married people

For those of you who thought 13 was an unlucky number, turns out it isn’t! 

Men and women agree that 13 is the ideal number of sexual partners one should have. surveyed 1000 men and 1000 women to find out how many sexual partners they’d want their new lover to have. With over half indicating 13 as the optimal number (52%).

67% of women lie about their magic number compared to a mere 13% of men. It could be that women are more cautious in sharing their intimate exploits to appear more conservative to the opposite sex.

73% of the respondents agreed that 18 or more is the number of sexual partners somebody has had, when they become a turn off. A warning sign that perhaps someone is prone to bed-hopping and difficult to please.

A whopping 77% of men said that they would sleep with someone on the first date if there was chemistry, compared to only 39% of women, it seems women are much more selective, and likely to hold out if they are interested in a potential match.

Interesting to note, more men (59%) then women (46%) find that a high number of sexual partners makes someone less desirable, suggesting there is still a social stigma regarding perceptions of promiscuity between genders.

Only a total of 31% of men and women want to know their partner’s sexual history, indicating that people would rather not know then have to deal with their feelings about the matter, especially if they do not like the answer.

Members of comment below:

Sofia, 33, London
 “When a man has a long list of sexual encounters it’s a red flag. I’d be wary that he’s a womaniser, and would not trust his intentions.”

Henry, 56, Devon
“I think variety in partners teaches you a lot about love making. Taking you on an adventure, and giving you experience – a perfect combination for incredible sex.”

Grace, 40, Surrey
“I’d feel awkward sleeping with a man who has had less partners than me. I’d be worried that they don’t know what they’re doing.”

Sonia, 38, Bristol
 “There’s nothing sexy about a man having casual sex. It leads me to believe they value quantity over quality.”

Hayley, 46, Suffolk
“As long as you’re practising safe sex, boundaries are set and expectations are met – then why not?”

Jessica Leoni, sex and relationship expert at said “A high number of sexual partners is a turn off for many. Nobody wants to be just another notch on the bedpost. 

Equally, you don’t want to date someone who’s barely had any experience, it’s a recipe for an awkward fumble.

13 partners is the ideal number – and guarantees that somebody is going to be experienced, adventurous, and open minded inbetween the sheets.”

NOTES TO EDITOR is the UK’s leading dating website for married people and the leading authority on infidelity. With over 1,000,000 genuine UK users since 2004, you’re sure to find your perfect match.

Established in 2004, we have been providing a meeting place for like-minded married and attached people for nearly 12 years. Our members have one thing in common – they are all looking for a little romance outside their current relationship. Whether that’s the occasional bit of flirtatious chat, a regular coffee date, or a full-blown affair, that’s up to them.

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