Wey aye, man! Men Would Cheat on their Wives with Geordie Lasses More Than Anyone Else!


Women of Newcastle, hold your heads up high, affair-seeking men across the UK have just voted you their #1 choice for the women that they’d most like to have an affair with. That’s according to IllicitEncounters.com, the UK’s leading dating website for married people, who surveyed over 1400 of their male members.

IllicitEncounters.com’s spokesperson, Christian Grant, explains: “Geordie’s are known for being hot. Whether it’s Cheryl, Holly Hagan, or Vicky Pattison, Newcastle is well-known for producing some of the most attractive women in the country, so it’s not a surprise to see them fare so well among our members.”

Andrew, a 38-year-old business executive from London, added: “While women from Newcastle are known for their looks, there’s also something to be said for the city itself – it’s a great place to go and visit, and somewhere you’d look forward to meeting up with someone, although I’d probably have to pick up some of the local lingo first!”

“Location is always a big consideration for anyone looking to have an affair,” explains Grant.

“The idea is to escape from your existing miserable marriage, and Newcastle as a city provides some comfort, with plenty of nightlife and things to do.”

But while it might be good news for those in the North-East, it’s not pleasant reading if you’re from the midlands, with Birmingham and Coventry making up two of the bottom three places.

“What comes to mind when you think of Birmingham?” says Christian Grant.

“Gloomy, industrial, Jasper Carrott – that’s not exactly screaming ‘come and get me’ now is it? Newcastle represents youth and fun; the Midlands couldn’t be further from that. It’s just all a bit boring really, isn’t it?”

The misery for those in the Midlands is compounded further, with one respondent adding: “there’s nothing really sexy about the Midlands is there?”

Joining Birmingham and Coventry down the bottom is Liverpool, while London and Manchester round off the top 3.

The full results are available below:

Locations Percentage
Newcastle 14%
London 12%
Manchester 10%
Edinburgh 10%
Bristol 9%
Other 9%
Belfast 8%
Brighton 7%
Sheffield 6%
Glasgow 5%
Birmingham 5%
Liverpool 3%
Coventry 2%


IllicitEncounters.com is the UK’s leading and longest running dating site for married people. With over 1,000,000 members across the UK, you’re sure to find your perfect match.

Established in 2003, we have been providing a meeting place for like-minded married and attached people for nearly 10 years. Our members have one thing in common – they are all looking for a little romance outside their current relationship. Whether that’s the occasional bit of flirtatious chat, a regular coffee date, or a full-blown affair, that’s up to them.

For comments, case-studies or more information, contact Christian Grant:

Email: press@illicitencounters.com
Office: 020 7729 6098
Twitter: @cheatsafer

Monogamy Isn’t in Our DNA! New Survey Shows That Even People in A Happy Marriage Cheat Too


One thing’s for certain, only people in a crumbling marriage cheat. Except, that’s not true at all. IllicitEncounters.com, the UK’s leading and longest running dating website for married people, surveyed 1000 of its members, finding that 45% of affair-seeking men and 34% of affair-seeking women declared themselves to be in a happy marriage.

“It’s a result that may surprise some,” says IllicitEncounters.com’s spokesperson, Christian Grant.

“A common misconception is that anyone who cheats must be at the end of their tether with their partner, and that simply isn’t true. What’s equally as false is the idea that anyone who seeks an affair does so purely because they’re ‘bad’ or ‘immoral’ – there are all sorts of reasons.”

One of those reasons, as one anonymous respondent explains, is the lack of intimacy that develops the longer a marriage goes on: “[I’m] happy with life running smoothly in most respects. I have a comfortable life and I get on with my wife and we are good friends. [However] she is older than me and is no longer interested in a physical relationship and thus the warmth that goes with that. I still want that physicality but not in one night stands – in a long-term old fashioned relationship of getting to know each other.”

And he’s not alone, with a further 30% of men (and 27% of women), claiming that a lack of intimacy and passion is the main driving force behind their desire to have an affair.

Another claims: “Although absolutely lovely, my partner is not enough for me. I need a lot of attention, affection and conversation, and he is not able to meet those needs due to working long hours and being very tired when at home.”

Grant adds: “Maintaining the level of passion and intimacy in a relationship is incredibly difficult. Are we meant to be monogamous by design? The evidence suggests otherwise. It seems to be the case that a once romantic marriage can often develop into something that resembles the relationship between a brother and sister. Some people can live with it. Most can’t.”

However, an affair isn’t always driven by lust. There are, in fact, a plethora of different reasons, with IllicitEncounters.com’s survey finding that 30% of men and 22% of women noted health issues as their main motivation to search for a partner outside of their current relationship.

One respondent noted: “My partner lost her libido 2 years ago as a result of menopause, so there’s no longer any intimacy, sexual innuendo or lovemaking.”

“It might be tough to talk about, but for a lot of men and women of a certain age, things like menopause, erectile dysfunction and a handful of other barriers come into play,” explains Grant.

“It’s unfortunate and unavoidable, but it invariably has a negative impact on the intimate side of one’s relationship.”

Finally, the survey found that, for 20% of men and 25% of women, cheating on their partner was an integral component of keeping their marriage a happy.

“Variety is the spice of life,” says one female respondent. “Having an affair actually keeps me married – i.e. I don’t walk out because I’m bored or unhappy.”

The remainder of the respondents listed miscellaneous reasons for their desire to have an affair.


IllicitEncounters.com is the UK’s leading and longest running dating site for married people. With over 1,000,000 members across the UK, you’re sure to find your perfect match.

Established in 2003, we have been providing a meeting place for like-minded married and attached people for nearly 10 years. Our members have one thing in common – they are all looking for a little romance outside their current relationship. Whether that’s the occasional bit of flirtatious chat, a regular coffee date, or a full-blown affair, that’s up to them.

For comments, case-studies or more information, contact Christian Grant:

Email: press@illicitencounters.com
Office: 020 7729 6098
Twitter: @cheatsafer


Adulterous Behaviour Could Reach Record High As the UK Begins to Freeze


Wrap up warm, turn on the central heating, oh, and maybe keep an eye on your partner, too. As Britain braces itself for the coldest winter in nearly 60 years, the nation’s leading and longest running dating website for married people, IllicitEncounters.com, is sending out a warning of its own – more snow and colder weather means an increase in adulterous behaviour.

IllicitEncounters.com noted a significant increase in registrations and activity on the site, correlating with the recent change in weather, as well as the particularly harsh conditions in the north of England.

IllicitEncounters.com’s spokesperson, Christian Grant, explains: “January is always a particularly busy time for the site, but there’s an unmistakable pattern linking the harsh weather to an increase in the number of members registering, along with an increase in their activity, even during times of the day that are normally less busy.

Why? Well, the increase in the number of people working from home is certainly a factor. Needless to say, the number one priority for anyone who chooses to sign up to our site is anonymity and discretion.

However, with the significant majority of our members occupied with work for large parts of the day, it can be a little difficult to find the right time to sign up and frequent the site. But with floods, freezing temperatures, and maybe even snow potentially trapping the nation indoors, anyone can sign up without the prying eyes of their boss and colleagues – without the threat of constant surveillance, there’s very little to deter someone from signing up and frequenting the site during office hours.”

Jennifer, a 42-year-old accountant from North Yorkshire, adds: “The rough weather, particularly up here in the North East, has left a lot of people unable or unwilling to leave their home. After being stranded at home for a few days with my husband, who was firmly fixated on Sky Sports for almost every waking minute, signing up to a dating website such as this seemed like a no-brainer.”

This isn’t the first time that IllicitEncounters.com has experienced such an increase in registrations thanks to the harsh weather. A bout of snow that hit the UK a few years ago led to a drastic increase in activity on the site, but Grant predicts it to be even greater this time around.

“With experts claiming that the country is due to experience its worst bout of snow since 2010/11, and the worst winter in nearly six decades, there’s no reason to doubt that people across the country will sign up to the site like never before. We’re certainly bracing ourselves, with everyone on the team expecting to work extra hours just to keep up with the demand.”


IllicitEncounters.com is the UK’s leading and longest running dating site for married people. With over 1,000,000 members across the UK, you’re sure to find your perfect match.

Established in 2003, we have been providing a meeting place for like-minded married and attached people for nearly 10 years. Our members have one thing in common – they are all looking for a little romance outside their current relationship. Whether that’s the occasional bit of flirtatious chat, a regular coffee date, or a full-blown affair, that’s up to them.

For comments, case-studies or more information, contact Christian Grant:

Email: press@illicitencounters.com
Office: 020 7729 6098
Twitter: @cheatsafer


Put A Cork In It – Drinking Red Wine Could Signify That Your Partner’s A Cheat!


Goodbye Wetherspoons, hello Oddbins – yes, red wine has become the go-to alcoholic drink of choice for affair-seeking women up and down the UK. That’s according to a survey by IllicitEncounters.com, the UK’s leading dating website for married people.

Of the 2000 women who participated in the survey, just shy of a quarter gave their vote to red wine, with its nearest competitor, gin, receiving 20% of the vote. Is it the taste? The units? The potential health benefits? Christian Grant, IllicitEncounters’ spokesperson, sheds a little light on red wine’s victory.

“In every new relationship, both partners are eager to better themselves and impress their opposite number. Red wine has always been associated with class, intelligence and elegance – to a certain extent, it’s a status symbol.

So, if you’ve noticed that your wife has ditched the unknown brands of vodka and gin and is starting to spend a worrying amount of time studying wine labels in her local supermarket, it could be a telling sign that she’s trying to impress someone new.”

Several anonymous respondents pitched in with their reasoning, with one stating: “First impressions are everything, and wine has too many positive connotations to pass it up! It might seem like just a small thing, but it can only help your image.”

The survey also found that the perceived health benefits that come with consuming red wine were a defining characteristic in its victory.

Grant explains: “Whenever you enter a new relationship, your appearance and health is always at the forefront of your mind. Study after study has suggested that red wine can prevent cancer, dementia – a whole host of diseases and illnesses, in fact – but, most importantly, it contains anti-aging properties.

There’s a lot to suggest that red wine does more good than harm – certainly more so than any other alcoholic beverage out there – and a woman looking to better herself for the new man in her life will most definitely take all of that into account.”

The full results are available below:

Drink Percentage
Red Wine 24%
Gin 20%
Cocktail 15%
White Wine 14%
Other 12%
Tea Total 6%
Rosé 5%
Beer 4%


IllicitEncounters.com is the UK’s leading and longest running dating site for married people. With over 1,000,000 members across the UK, you’re sure to find your perfect match.

Established in 2003, we have been providing a meeting place for like-minded married and attached people for nearly 10 years. Our members have one thing in common – they are all looking for a little romance outside their current relationship. Whether that’s the occasional bit of flirtatious chat, a regular coffee date, or a full-blown affair, that’s up to them.

For comments, case-studies or more information, contact Christian Grant:

Email: press@illicitencounters.com
Office: 020 7729 6098
Twitter: @cheatsafer