Watch Out! Friday 18th Is ‘Unfaithful Friday’…

Image result for unfaithful man

  • Friday 18th is Unfaithful Friday, the most popular day for an adulterer to see his mistress before the year ends
  • That means it’s the single biggest day a married woman is most likely to get cheated on this winter
  • The week of Unfaithful Friday see’s 30% more activity on married-dating website than any other week in November and December
  • In a survey of over 300 members on the site who’ve already found themselves a mistress, a whopping 72% sneak away on Unfaithful Friday for one final rendezvous before the year’s end
  • 20% spend the entire weekend with their mistress, with the most popular destinations being the Alps (18%), the Cotswold’s (15%) and Central London (13%)

Is your husband naughty or nice? As it turns out, it’s probably naughty., the UK’s leading dating website for married people and the leading authority on infidelity, can reveal that an adulterer is more likely to spend time with his mistress on Friday 18th November than any other day in the final two months of the year.

‘Unfaithful Friday’ represents the single busiest day of the winter for adulterers, who sneak away with their mistress one last time before the Christmas festivities really kick in. By definition, that also makes it the single biggest day a married woman is most likely to get cheated on this winter.

The week of Unfaithful Friday see’s 30% more activity on married-dating website than any other week in November and December, as married men and women look for a last-minute romp before they return to their otherwise dull marriage.

In a survey of over 300 members on the site who’ve already found themselves a mistress, a whopping 72% sneak away on Unfaithful Friday for one final rendezvous before the year’s end, with 20% even spending the entire weekend with their alternate lover.

While 85% of adulterers regularly keep in contact with their mistress via text, phone or Face Time, the long-distance relationship simply isn’t enough to satiate their desires for weeks on end.

The most popular getaway destination for adulterers on the weekend of Unfaithful Friday is the Alps (18%), followed by Cotswold’s (15%), Central London (13%), Lake District (10%), Norway (8%), which is famous for the Northern Lights, and Austria (5%), which is well-known for its romantic Christmas markets.

The site’s spokesperson, Christian Grant, explains:

“Unfaithful Friday, and the days that succeed it, represents the last chance an adulterer has to sneak away with their mistress.

“In the weeks to come, they’ll simply be overwhelmed with nativity plays, Christmas shopping, decorating and of course Christmas and New Year’s. Their kids will have time off from school, and their familial responsibilities will take priority.

“Needless to say, they want to take full advantage of the time they have together, so they often jet off to somewhere appropriately winter-y that’s equally as romantic and interesting. For those that do stay in the UK, country getaways to the Cotswold’s and Lake District prove popular, due to their location and general ease of access, or even a fancy hotel in Central London – one that’s close enough to get to, as well as being within close proximity of Winter Wonderland, but far enough away from home.

“So, ladies, if your husband has a ‘business trip’ on the weekend of the 18th, it might be wise to press him and question his motives.”

Most Popular Destinations on Unfaithful Friday

  1. Other (31%)
  2. Alps (18%)
  3. Cotswold’s (15%)
  4. Central London (13%)
  5. Lake District (10%)
  6. Norway (8%)
  7. Austria (5%)

NOTES TO EDITOR is the UK’s leading dating website for married people and the leading authority on infidelity. With over 1,000,000 genuine UK users since 2004, you’re sure to find your perfect match.

Established in 2004, we have been providing a meeting place for like-minded married and attached people for nearly 12 years. Our members have one thing in common – they are all looking for a little romance outside their current relationship. Whether that’s the occasional bit of flirtatious chat, a regular coffee date, or a full-blown affair, that’s up to them.

We’re always more than happy to talk about – please contact Christian Grant through the details below – but we’re not willing to speak publicly about at this moment in time.

Office: 020 7729 6098
Twitter: @cheatsafer

Retail Workers Are More Likely to be Cheated On This Xmas Than Anyone Else

Image result for retail employee

  • 15% of 800 members who registered on, the UK’s leading dating website for married people, since the beginning of November said that they were married to someone working in retail
  • Retailers working long hours during the Christmas period has left their partner’s feeling lonely, hence the increase in the amount looking to cheat
  • In a separate survey of over 200 retailers on, 30% admitted to having previously cheated with a colleague
  • 10% also admitted to sleeping with a colleague during their place of work.

They’ll be working late hours to help spread the Christmas cheer, but behind their back, their partners are being naughty, not nice., the UK’s leading dating website for married people and the leading authority on infidelity, surveyed over 800 people who registered to the site since the beginning of November and found that 15% of respondents were married to someone who worked in retail.

The site’s spokesperson, Christian Grant, explains:

“Needless to say, it’s one of, if not the, busiest time of the year for those who work in retail. That means they’ll be working longer hours, taking on more shifts, and generally spending more and more time at work, and less and less time at home as a result.

“While it’s something that can’t be helped, that doesn’t stop the opposite number in this relationship from feeling lonely and without some much needed company.

“It’s only natural, then, that someone’s thoughts stray towards an affair, even if it’s something short-term until the Christmas period ends and their partner’s work routine returns to a state of normality.”

Interestingly, a scenario may develop where both parties are cheating on each other simultaneously.

In a separate survey of over 200 retailers on, 30% admitted to having previously cheated with a colleague, with 10% even sleeping with them during their place of work.

“It works both ways,” explains Grant.

“Again, while it isn’t the fault of the retailer, they too can’t help but feel detached from their partner. And when you’re cooped up with others for an extended period of time, you begin to forge friendships.

“If both you and your colleague both having similar feelings of loneliness, it’s easy to see how one thing can lead to another…”

NOTES TO EDITOR is the UK’s leading dating website for married people and the leading authority on infidelity. With over 1,000,000 genuine UK users since 2004, you’re sure to find your perfect match.

Established in 2004, we have been providing a meeting place for like-minded married and attached people for nearly 12 years. Our members have one thing in common – they are all looking for a little romance outside their current relationship. Whether that’s the occasional bit of flirtatious chat, a regular coffee date, or a full-blown affair, that’s up to them.

We’re always more than happy to talk about – please contact Christian Grant through the details below – but we’re not willing to speak publicly about at this moment in time.

Office: 020 7729 6098
Twitter: @cheatsafer

No Fast Charge, No Headphone Jack, But Could THIS Be the iPhone 7’s Biggest Omission? 

The dual camera allows for zoom and depth of field

  • For adulterers, the iPhone 7 is dead on arrival, primarily thanks to its lack of any significant security improvements
  • Over 75% of 1,000 adulterers would purchase a new phone specifically for their extra-marital liaisons if it introduced new security features
  • The iPhone 5/5S/5C is the most popular phone of choice for adulterers, owned by 17% of those surveyed
  • The results come from, the UK’s leading dating website for married people

The iPhone 7 might be hogging all the headlines, but for one community in particular, it’s bound to be a crushing disappointment., the UK’s leading dating website for married people and the leading authority on infidelity, has found that the iPhone 5/5S/5C is the most popular phone among adulterers, with 17% of a survey of over 1,000 people claiming to browse the site on one of the iPhone 5 devices, but there’s nothing to suggest that the iPhone 7 is going to surpass its younger siblings anytime soon.

“The announcement of a new iPhone is of interest to so many people nowadays, not least adulterers,” explains the site’s spokesperson, Christian Grant.

However, the new iPhone 7 announced just yesterday doesn’t shake things up significantly when it comes to the security department.

It’s a huge missed opportunity for Apple. A phone can often be the Achilles heel when you’re conducting an affair. Maybe you leave it lying around on the coffee table, or your partner sees a call, text or email come through from someone they don’t recognize.

There’s a myriad of sensitive and private data that could easily give away your movements and intentions.”

It’s no surprise then that over 75% of members surveyed said that they’d purchase a new phone specifically for their extra-marital liaisons if it did enough to improve its security measures even further.

Whilst stats from the married dating site show that over 50% of all traffic is from mobile devices, 35% of which being Apple devices, there’s little to suggest that the iPhone 7’s imminent release is going to change the game.

It’s not all bad news for Apple however, as a phone from the iPhone 5 family is evidently an adulterers dream.

“A trustworthy brand, fingerprint technology, and in the case of the 5C, a low price, one of the iPhone 5 family is an excellent and popular choice for the adulterer who isn’t looking to splash an exorbitant amount of money on a 2nd phone,” explains Grant.

“While there are even cheaper alternatives, particularly brands like OnePlus or Huawei, Apple have the branding and cachet that few others can match.”

Most Popular Phones for Adulterers

  1. Other (52%)
  2. iPhone 5/5S/5C (17%)
  3. iPhone 6S/S Plus (12%)
  4. Samsung Galaxy 6/6 Edge (10%)
  5. Samsung Galaxy 7/7 Edge (5%)
  6. OnePlus 2 (3%)
  7. iPhone 4 (1%)

NOTES TO EDITOR is the UK’s leading dating website for married people and the leading authority on infidelity. With over 1,000,000 genuine UK users since 2004, you’re sure to find your perfect match.

Established in 2004, we have been providing a meeting place for like-minded married and attached people for nearly 12 years. Our members have one thing in common – they are all looking for a little romance outside their current relationship. Whether that’s the occasional bit of flirtatious chat, a regular coffee date, or a full-blown affair, that’s up to them.

For comments, case-studies or more information, contact Christian Grant:

Office: 020 7729 6098
Twitter: @cheatsafer

Revealed: You’re LESS Likely to Stray If You Own This Domestic Pet…

Image result for dog owner man

  • Dog owners are happier, healthier and now they’re more faithful than any other pet owner too, new research has revealed
  •, the UK’s leading dating website for married people, found that just 10% of over 700 members surveyed owned dogs, making dog owners the most faithful
  • The least faithful among us are cat owners (25%), while 16% own fish and 11% rabbits
  • A dog’s qualities, such as loyalty and unconditional love, are often reflected in their owner

If your marriage has hit a ruff patch, you better hope you’re married to a dog lover. Research released today by, the UK’s leading dating website for married people and the leading authority on infidelity, has shown that just 10% of over 700 members surveyed are dog owners, making dog owners the most faithful pet owners in the UK.

On the other hand, as many as 25% owned cats, with 16% owning fish, 13% hamsters/gerbils, 11% rabbits and 11% reptiles.

The site’s spokesperson, Christian Grant, explains:

“There has already been a plethora of scientific studies that claim that owning a dog, or dogs, makes you happier and healthier, and now you can add loyalty to that list.

It’s an interesting, if not unexpected result. Man’s best friend is the UK’s most popular pet, and has been for a very long time, but not among this particular community it seems.

A dog’s qualities are usually reflected in their owner, and loyalty, unconditional love, friendship and a sense of protectiveness are qualities that everyone associates with canines, regardless of their size, breed or gender.

By the same token, a cat’s loyalty is a little more unclear. Often lazy, they’ve been known to drift to whomever is offering them more food, so it’s of little surprise to see that lack of loyalty reflected in our study.”

With that said, not every dog owner is squeaky clean, as Grant admits:

“We’re not so foolish to say that every dog owner is the perfect human being – we can’t justify that sort of generalization. In fact, we’ve a couple of members who breed greyhounds for a living, while many work closely with dogs, be that as a vet, volunteer worker, dog walker or otherwise.”

Adulterous Pet Owners:

1. Cat (25%)

2. Fish (16%)

3. Other/no pet (14%)

4. Hamster/Gerbil (13%)

5. Rabbit (11%)

6. Reptile (11%)

7. Dog (10%)

NOTES TO EDITOR is the UK’s leading dating website for married people and the leading authority on infidelity. With over 1,000,000 genuine UK users since 2004, you’re sure to find your perfect match.

Established in 2004, we have been providing a meeting place for like-minded married and attached people for nearly 12 years. Our members have one thing in common – they are all looking for a little romance outside their current relationship. Whether that’s the occasional bit of flirtatious chat, a regular coffee date, or a full-blown affair, that’s up to them.

For comments, case-studies or more information, contact Christian Grant:

Office: 020 7729 6098
Twitter: @cheatsafer

The Grass Really IS Greener, As Married Women Fantasise Most About Seducing Their Gardener​s

Image result for gardener sexy

  • Married women fantasise about seducing their gardeners more so than anyone else, a new survey has revealed
  • Other popular responses included firemen, fitness instructors and mechanics
  • 77% of married women admitted to flirting and making passes to those in the aforementioned professions
  • The least sexy profession, and the one women would least like to seduce, was postmen (20%)
  • The results come from a survey of over 650 married women on, the UK’s leading dating website for married people

Gardeners are officially the most popular fantasy of married women across the UK. According to, the UK’s leading dating website for married people and the leading authority on infidelity, 34% of a survey of over 650 women confessed that they’d most like to seduce gardeners.

Other popular responses included firemen (16%), fitness instructor (12%), mechanic (10%) and carpenter (7%).

The site’s spokesperson, Christian Grant, explains:

“Women know what they want, and there’s evidently a common theme here. Your stereotypical image of a gardener is a hot, topless and well-built man, and the same could be said of firemen, fitness instructors and the other popular responses.

Times have changed, and with the married women on our site mainly stuck in sexless marriages, they don’t want to sit and wait for someone to court them – they’re dominant, and they’ll seek the initiative to turn their seduction fantasy into a reality.”

The fantasy also derives from its plausibility, with as many as 77% respondents admitting that they’ve flirted and made passes with men in the aforementioned professions.

“It’s a not too uncommon scenario,” explains Grant.

“If one’s husband is out of the house, and the incredibly attractive gardener, plumber (or whatever it may be) is alone with the married women in question… well, it’s easy to put two and two together and make four.”

Interestingly, the survey also revealed the professions that they’d least like to seduce, with postmen, delivery men, milkmen and IT technician topping this particular list with 20%, 18%, 12% and 10% of the vote respectively.

“While we all eagerly anticipate the postman or delivery man knocking on our door when we’re awaiting a package, we’re more interested in what’s in their hand than the messenger themselves. I’m afraid that there’s very little that’s deemed charming, sexy or even remotely attractive about these jobs.”

Professions Women Would Most Like to Seduce

  1. Gardener (34%)
  2. Other (21%)
  3. Fireman (16%)
  4. Fitness Instructor (12%)
  5. Mechanic (10%)
  6. Carpenter (7%)

Professions Women Would Least Like to Seduce

  1. Other (40%)
  2. Postman (20%)
  3. Delivery Man (18%)
  4. Milkman (12%)
  5. IT Technician (10%)

NOTES TO EDITOR is the UK’s leading dating website for married people and the leading authority on infidelity. With over 1,000,000 genuine UK users since 2004, you’re sure to find your perfect match.

Established in 2004, we have been providing a meeting place for like-minded married and attached people for nearly 12 years. Our members have one thing in common – they are all looking for a little romance outside their current relationship. Whether that’s the occasional bit of flirtatious chat, a regular coffee date, or a full-blown affair, that’s up to them.

For comments, case-studies or more information, contact Christian Grant:

Office: 020 7729 6098
Twitter: @cheatsafer

Hell really does hath no fury like a woman scorned – they are more ruthless at ending marriages after discovering an affair, according to new study

Image result for hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
* Men are MORE willing to forgive affairs than women;
* Women are better at hiding their cheating behaviour than men;
* Facebook is most common reason for a woman starting an affair;
* Most common reason for men was dissatisfaction in the bedroom;
* Results are from a new survey of 1,000 adulterers by – Britain’s leading dating website for married people
MEN are more willing to forgive affairs than women, according to new study.
It found that 67% of men are prepared to give marriage a second chance after discovering their wife’s betrayal.
In contrast, only 52% of women say they would stay with their husband after discovering his adultery.
The main reason why men are more forgiving is because of the reasons why men and women cheat in the first place.
A third of men (32%) said their wife had cheated because they had been neglectful and they could understand why they had strayed.
Almost half of wives (54%) said they were unable to move on from the adultery because they felt it was part of a pattern and would happen again.
The results come from a new survey of 1,000 adulterers by – Britain’s leading dating website for married people.
It found that women are better at hiding their affairs than men.
Just over half of female adulterers (52%) said their husband had no idea they had been unfaithful despite having several affairs.
Only 42% of male cheats remained completely undiscovered.
The key to saving a marriage in the wake of an affair is how the other half discovers the betrayal.
If the women owns up and pledges to stay with her husband, the marriage survives in 82% of cases.
But if the man confesses and wants to save his marriage, he is only successful in 68% of cases – again because of this pattern of cheating.
If the woman is caught out by her husband, the survival rates drops to 52%.
If the man is caught cheating, the survival rate is slightly worse at 42% – showing again that women are more ruthless in dealing with betrayal.
The most common reason for a new affair for women is Facebook – where they are likely to hook up with an old flame. Facebook is now cited in a third of all divorce cases
For men, the most common reason for a new affair is dissatisfaction in the bedroom and the desire for fresh excitement. spokesman Christian Grant said: “The phrase hell hath no fury like a woman scorned really does seem to be rooted in fact.
“This new IllicitEncounters research shows that women really do react much more badly to cheating that men and that a husband’s adultery is more likely to end in divorce than a wife’s.
“Women are better at covering up their cheating than men and it clear that there are millions of husbands who have no idea about their wife’s illicit behaviour.”
Women date more actively on than men – enjoying an average of three dates a month compared to men’s two.
The site, an authority on infidelity, has more than a one million registered members and most people on the site remain with their spouses while discreetly seeing other partners.
Top five reasons why women have affairs
1 Facebook – hooking up with an old flame
2 I felt neglected
3 I met someone new
4 I fancied a change
5 I was bored with my husband
Top five reasons why men have affairs
1 My sex life was boring
2 An opportunity arose
3 I fancied a changed
4 I no longer fancied my wife
5 Facebook

Affairs Improve Physical and Mental Health; Here’s How 

  • An affair can be good for your mental and physical health, a new study has claimed
  • 42% of respondents noted improvements in their physical health as a direct result of an affair
  • Of that 42%, 91% agreed it was because they “exercised more and ate healthier” to impress their new lover
  • An affair can improve one’s mental health, too, with scientific research claiming that “an affair can be a healthy act”
  • The findings come from a study of approximately 600 people on, the UK’s leading dating website for married people

An affair can be good for your health, a new study has revealed., the UK’s leading dating website for married people and the leading authority on infidelity, spoke to 600 of their members who have previously been successful on the site.

42% claimed that their physical well-being has improved as a direct result of their affair. Of that 42%, an overwhelmingly majority (91%) agreed it was because they “exercised more and ate healthier” in order to impress their new lover.

But there are also many mental health benefits of having an affair, as the site’s spokesperson, Christian Grant, explains:

“We’re very cognisant of the stigma surrounding affairs.

It’s dangerous to generalize, yet many do it anyway. But this preconceived notion that an affair is overwhelmingly evil or negative is simply not true at all.

For several reasons, people get stuck in marriages that aren’t working. People grow apart, sex isn’t on the table anymore, and serious medical conditions can take their toll, too – it’s impossible to not be broken down mentally because of that.

But despite this, a lot of people accept the status quo. Nobody wants to feel unloved, and an affair allows those stuck in dead marriages to remember what it is like to feel wanted again and fill in the gaps in their lives that are sorely missing at home, be they emotional or physical, hence the overwhelmingly positive response from our members.

They are far happier balancing two relationships, knowing that they are loved and wanted in at least one of them, than staying quiet and reserved in a relationship that is doing them more harm than good.”

These sentiments have been previously supported by scientific research, with the 2011 journal Personal Relationshipsclaiming:

“Individuals who are in insecure relationships are more vulnerable to longer-term health risks from conflict than are others.”

Psychologists, such as Douglas La Bier, have also claimed that “an affair can be a healthy act,” as it “can provide feelings of affirmation and restore vitality, and can activate courage to leave the marriage when doing so is the healthiest path. The affair can generate greater emotional honesty and mature behavior.”

Linda, who responded to the survey, added:

“An affair helped me emotionally and physically. From the physical side of things, meeting someone new gave me greater motivation to exercise more and eat less – my health wasn’t a massive issue for me soon after I got married, it didn’t need to be.

Secondly, an affair made me realise just how sour my marriage had become, so I opened up to my husband about it. It gave me the courage to speak to him honestly about our physical relationship, or lack thereof, and we’re now in an open relationship as a result – something we’ve both agreed to and are very happy with.”


NOTES TO EDITOR is the UK’s leading dating website for married people and the leading authority on infidelity. With over 1,000,000 genuine UK users since 2004, you’re sure to find your perfect match.

Established in 2004, we have been providing a meeting place for like-minded married and attached people for nearly 12 years. Our members have one thing in common – they are all looking for a little romance outside their current relationship. Whether that’s the occasional bit of flirtatious chat, a regular coffee date, or a full-blown affair, that’s up to them.

For comments, case-studies or more information, contact Christian Grant:

Office: 020 7729 6098
Twitter: @cheatsafer

What do Jay Z, Low Wages and an Early Marriage Have In Common? They’re Wrecking Young People’s Marriages

  • There has been a huge increase in the number of young people aged 21-30 having affairs, with that age group the least faithful they have ever been
  • 44% of affair-seekers aged 21-30 chose not to divorce because of the financial implications, while 50% were worried about what a divorce might mean for their children
  • Those factors have driven them to affairs, with, the UK’s leading dating website for married people, witnessing a 20% year-on-year increase in the amount of people aged 21-30 signing up to the site
  • Almost three quarters (71%) felt that they could have an affair and get away with it; celebrity culture is partly to blame, as many celebrities, like Jay Z, have affairs but still thrive in their careers and remain popular among their fans
  • Of over 1,000 peopled aged 21-30 who were surveyed, 78% cited a premature marriage as the main cause for the breakdown of their marriage

More and more young people are having affairs, so says a new survey., the UK’s leading dating website for married people and the leading authority on infidelity, has reported a 20% increase year-on-year in the amount of people aged 21-30 signing up to the site.

Of over 1,000 young people who were surveyed, an overwhelming 78% admitted they had “married too young” and have since sought to have an affair as a result of their relationship with their partner breaking down.

The site’s spokesperson, Christian Grant, explains:

“There is more and more pressure on young people to have the perfect relationship. We live in a connected world whereby we’re constantly seeing the smiling faces of our friends and family, be it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram – you name it – and we can’t help but compare our lives to theirs.

It’s a classic case of keeping up with the Jones’, and that mentality means people make rash decisions, one of them being a premature marriage.”

But if a marriage is turning sour, wouldn’t the simple answer be to get a divorce?

Well, of the 1,000 affair-seekers aged 21-30 who were surveyed, 44% were too scared to divorce because of the financial implications, while 50% said that they didn’t want a divorce for the sake of their children.

As Grant explains, a divorce isn’t always a viable option:

“People of all ages come to a site like IllicitEncounters because they’re worried about divorce. They don’t want to put their kids through it, for one, but they’re also worried about what it’ll mean for their finances. Young people share those exact same issues, except they’re much worse.

On average, they’re on lower wages than those 10, 20 or 30 years older than them; they’ve got student loans to pay off… they’re only just managing as it is, so the idea of a divorce might be nice, but it’s not necessarily realistic, from a financial perspective if nothing else.”

You’ve also got to factor in celebrity culture. How many celebrities cheat, then aren’t really held to task? Whether it’s movie stars like Kristen Stewart or Ben Affleck, musicians like Jay Z, and everything in between – these celebrities have affairs and aren’t exactly punished for it – quite the opposite in fact. They still thrive in their careers, and they’re still loved by their fans, so it’s easy for anyone to look at that and think, ‘well, what have I got to lose?”

This corroborates with the results from the site’s survey, as almost three quarters (71%) felt that they could have an affair and get away with it.

NOTES TO EDITOR is the UK’s leading dating website for married people and the leading authority on infidelity. With over 1,000,000 genuine UK users since 2004, you’re sure to find your perfect match.

Established in 2004, we have been providing a meeting place for like-minded married and attached people for nearly 12 years. Our members have one thing in common – they are all looking for a little romance outside their current relationship. Whether that’s the occasional bit of flirtatious chat, a regular coffee date, or a full-blown affair, that’s up to them.

For comments, case-studies or more information, contact Christian Grant:

Office: 020 7729 6098
Twitter: @cheatsafer

Beware of the figure 9 – it is the danger age for affairs, according to a new study

* People are more likely to cheat in the last year of a decade – when they are 19, 29, 39, 49 and 59;
* The most dangerous age of all for cheating is 39 – the same age as stars Orlando Bloom, Chris Martin and Liv Tyler;
* The last year of a decade is seen a watershed in people’s lives – and they are more likely to look for fresh excitement;
* Most common reason for cheating is a lack of excitement in the bedroom at home;
* Results come from a new study of 1,000 people by, Britain’s leading dating website for married people

People are more likely to cheat on their partners in the last year of a decade of their lives, according to new study.
It means that men or women are more likely to be unfaithful when they are 19, 29, 39, 49 or 59.

The last year of decade is seen as a watershed in people’s lives – and they are more likely to assess their options and look for fresh excitement.

The most dangerous age for affairs is 39 – because for many people, life really does begin at 40.

Famous people who are 39 include actors Orlando Bloom and Michael Fassbender, Coldplay singer Chris Martin and actresses Liv Tyler and Sarah Michelle Gellar.

There is no suggestion that any of them have cheated or are planning to cheat, but they have all reached the ‘danger age’ when people are more likely to stray.

The second most popular cheating age is 49.

Famous people who are 49 include Nicole Kidman, former Prime Minister David Cameron, Noel Gallagher from Oasis and Keifer Sutherland from 24.

The third most vulnerable age for cheating is 29.

That is the same age as supermodel Rosie Huntington-Whitely and England goalkeeper Joe Hart.

The results come from a new study of 1,000 people by, Britain’s leading dating website for married people.
It looked at patterns for cheating and the most common ages when people stray from their partners.

It found that the five top reasons for cheating were: 1 Lack of excitement in the bedroom – 76% 2 An opportunity came along I could not refuse – 54% 3 I was bored with my current partner – 46% 4 I reconnected with an old flame on social media 28% 5 I fancied a change – 22%.

The study found that people were twice as likely to go looking for a new partner online in the last year of a decade than at other times.

There were 18% more profiles in this age category than for other years in the decade. spokesman Christian Grant said: “Beware of the figure 9 – it is the
danger age as far affairs are concerned.

“This is applicable to men and women. Both go looking for affairs when they are on the verge of entering a new decade.

“ research shows that some people cheat to get their partner’s attention. If their partner’s a workaholic or unavailable to them, being caught with someone else is a way of saying: ‘Hey, if you love me, pay attention to me!’

“‘Payback cheating’ is also common. If you’ve cheated in the past or done something else to hurt your partner, they might retaliate to get even.”, the leading authority on infidelity, has more than one million registered members in the UK.

Its subscriptions rise by 25% over the summer months as more people look for fun in the sun.
Top five reasons for having an affair

1 Lack of excitement in the bedroom at home – 76%
2 An opportunity came along I could not refuse – 54%
3 I was bored with my current partner – 46%
4 I reconnected with an old flame on social media – 28%
5 I fancied a change – 22%.

NOTES TO EDITOR is the UK’s leading dating website for married people and the leading authority on infidelity. With over 1,000,000 genuine UK users since 2004, you’re sure to find your perfect match.

Established in 2004, we have been providing a meeting place for like-minded married and attached people for nearly 12 years. Our members have one thing in common – they are all looking for a little romance outside their current relationship. Whether that’s the occasional bit of flirtatious chat, a regular coffee date, or a full-blown affair, that’s up to them.

For comments, case-studies or more information, contact Christian Grant:

Office: 020 7729 6098
Twitter: @cheatsafer

It’s An F for that ASSignment, As Teachers Flunk the Faithful Test

  • Teachers are the most likely to have an affair with their colleagues, a new survey has revealed
  • 27% of teachers admitted to having had sex with a colleague in a classroom
  • Lawyers, pilots and journalists are also among the most likely, with long working hours and work-related stress cited as the main cause of an affair with a colleague
  • 72% of men instigate an affair with their colleague, while women think of other alternatives to “de-stress” before resulting to an affair, adding credence to the idea that men are sleazier
  • The survey of over 1,500 people is brought to you by, the UK’s leading dating website for married people and the leading authority on infidelity.

There are arguably some lines that should never be crossed, but of those of us that do, teachers sit atop the pyramid of debauchery. The news comes by way of a new survey of over 1,500 people which found the professions that most commonly have an affair with their colleagues.

It is, perhaps rather surprisingly, educators who are the most adulterous among us in this respect.

In second place are lawyers (17%), followed by pilots (13%), journalists (12%) and doctors (9%).

The results are brought to you by, the UK’s leading dating website for married people and the leading authority on infidelity. Their spokesperson, Christian Grant, explains:

“There’s a line in the sand, but this lot have smashed past it without even so much as a second thought. While you should almost never mix work and play, it appears that those with jobs that, firstly, put employees under extreme duress on a daily basis and, secondly, are in an environment that allows for friendships to be forged and positive bonds to be established… they’re the ones who are most likely to cross the proverbial line in the sand.”

He adds:

“Teachers are now closing the book after another undoubtedly stressful year. Whether they’re stressing over targets, an impromptu Ofsted inspection or their class’ exams, they always have their colleagues’ shoulders to lean on, in what is generally a positive environment.

However, when the work becomes too much, they’re doing a little bit more than just leaning on a shoulder of their colleague, and choose to ‘de-stress’ in other ways.

Then, of course, you have your doctors and your lawyers; the foundations for infidelity remain the same. Long hours, stress and a serious imbalance of work and play.”

The survey also revealed that 27% of teachers had an affair with a colleague within school walls, while 15% of lawyers and 8% of journalists did the same in their respective places of work.

Interestingly, the gender breakdown painted a picture of a different sort, revealing that men are the most likely to make the first move and instigate the affair with their colleague(s).

In fact, the numbers were very much in their favour, with 72% of men assuming the role of the instigator compared to just 28% of women.

Women, meanwhile, are much more likely to pursue other alternatives to de-stress first, before eventually turning to an affair with a colleague.

Grant explains:

“Even in professions like teaching, traditionally dominated by women (particularly in primary education) men are the predators, so to speak. Instead of thinking of alternatives to solve any stress or work related issues they may have, the significant majority think with a completely different organ entirely.

Whether that further adds credence to the stereotypical view that men are sleazier with more of a one track mind, well who’s to say?”

The full results are as follows:

Most Likely to Cheat within their Profession

1.     Teacher (19%)
2.     Lawyer (17%)
3.     Other (15%)
4.     Pilot (13%)
5.     Journalist (12%)
6.     Doctor (9%)
7.     Nurse (8%)
8.     Police Officer (5%)
9.     Event Planners (2%)

NOTES TO EDITOR is the UK’s leading dating website for married people and the leading authority on infidelity. With over 1,000,000 genuine UK users since 2004, you’re sure to find your perfect match.

Established in 2004, we have been providing a meeting place for like-minded married and attached people for nearly 10 years. Our members have one thing in common – they are all looking for a little romance outside their current relationship. Whether that’s the occasional bit of flirtatious chat, a regular coffee date, or a full-blown affair, that’s up to them.

For comments, case-studies or more information, contact Christian Grant:

Office: 020 7729 6098
Twitter: @cheatsafer