Guinness a kiss! reveal top drinks


Could your partner’s fridge stacked full of his favourite beer tell you how likely he is to stay faithful?

A new survey from the UK’s leading dating site for married people has revealed the drinking habits of men looking for an extra-marital tryst. The survey of Illicit Encounter’s male members were questioned on their beer preferences and regular drinking habits.

Despite not being a ‘beer’ per se, the number one choice for a swift one down the local was a pint of Guinness – this is probably down to it’s smooth taste, texture and perceived health benefits.

Spokesperson for; Mike Taylor said, “The results of this study highlights that our members have a taste for quality and the refined. They are not prepared to compromise on basis of price. It is unsurprising that stout, rather than lager or ale, was the top choice – when you consider that Guinness has been brewing for over 240 years. Despite it being perceived as a ‘meal in a glass’ in some quarters, Guinness in fact, only contains 198 calories per pint, making it less calorific than orange juice or skimmed milk. There is also good news for female members as stout is seen as an aphrodisiac in some countries.”

The second most popular choice was Corona Extra, with Peroni Nastro Azzurro coming in third. Both regarded as premium or luxury lagers, and strides ahead of countless other brands in terms of popularity. The Belgians may have more cultural acceptance to infidelity, but Stella Artois did not tantalise our members proving to be the least popular choice.

The study also revealed that men who are looking for or who are engaging in an extra-marital relationship, consume less alcohol than their monogamous counterparts, rarely drinking more than the recommended weekly allowance. This could be due to the fact they are more health conscious and concerned about the repercussions of getting overly inebriated.

1. Guinness
2. Corona Extra
3. Peroni Nastro Azzurro
4. San Miguel
5. Budweiser

The UK’s Leading married dating website is the UK’s largest and longest running dating site for married people. With over 800,000 members across the UK, you’re sure to find your perfect match.

Established in 2003, we have been providing a meeting place for like-minded married and attached people for nearly 10 years. Our members have one thing in common – they are all looking for a little romance outside their current relationship. Whether that’s the occasional bit of flirtatious chat, a regular coffee date, or a full-blown affair, that’s up to them.

For comments, case-studies or more information contact Mike Taylor:


Mobile: 07584 435116

Office: 020 7953 7167

Twitter: @illicitmike

Football gives fans perfect opportunity to play away!


Despite recent headlines being filled with rock star and music mogul affairs, it seems the real two-timing champions are still footballers. Leading extra-marital dating site, can reveal since the start of the 2013/14-football season they have seen an influx in the number of professional footballers joining the site, who are looking to play away whilst playing away.

However, it is not just professional footballers who signing up, the fans are also getting in on the game with the site reporting record numbers of men signing up looking to meet up for a post match fixture.

Illicit Encounters, which has over 800,000 members, has seen a huge surge of new male members joining as the football season kicked off. Over the last few weeks the site experienced a 32% rise in activity compared with the average out of season evening. They are also reporting an 87% increase in members accessing the site in the hours before, during, and after big games on mobile devices taking the opportunity whilst they are out of the house to check and send some messages. spokesperson; Mike Taylor said: “Having professional athletes on the site is nothing new, we saw an influx last summer with Olympic sports stars looking to hook-up whilst they were participating. I can understand the motivation of footballers and fans alike joining, being the largest dating site purely for married people in the UK, members join the site because they take an intelligent approach when looking for an extra-marital relationship. They are looking to find like minded individuals and because of the privacy and security of the site, avoid becoming a high profile news story.”

But be warned – it is not just the men looking, thousands of ‘football widows’ have flooded to the site since the start of the season. Some new female members have actually been surprisingly explicit about what has led them to sign up, citing instances where they were neglected while their partners spent hours at the pub, left for the weekend, or completely ignored, apart from the occasional demand for beer and snacks.

As the new football season is in full swing it looks like people are taking advantage of the extra time away from their other half as the perfect opportunity to score.

The UK’s Leading married dating website is the UK’s largest and longest running dating site for married people. With over 800,000 members across the UK, you’re sure to find your perfect match.

Established in 2003, we have been providing a meeting place for like-minded married and attached people for nearly 10 years. Our members have one thing in common – they are all looking for a little romance outside their current relationship. Whether that’s the occasional bit of flirtatious chat, a regular coffee date, or a full-blown affair, that’s up to them.

For comments, case-studies or more information contact Mike Taylor:


Mobile: 07584435116

Office: 020 7953 7167

Twitter: @illicitmike

Is your partner looking for more than food during their weekly shop?


Hardly the most romantic setting in amongst the poultry and vegetable displays of the local supermarket, but it seems the weekly food shop is for some a prime opportunity to catch someone’s eye while checking out the ‘deal of the week’ at the same time, multi tasking indeed.

A new survey from the UK’s leading dating site for married people has revealed the shopping habits of people looking for an extra-marital tryst. The survey of Illicit Encounter’s 800,000 members were questioned on their supermarket preferences and food shopping habits.

The number one supermarket for men who are looking for an affair is upmarket Waitrose, with quality renowned Sainsbury’s topping the list for women.

Spokesperson for Mike Taylor said “Becoming more concerned with one’s health and diet is often a dead giveaway for an affair, shopping for healthier or buying organic food can indicate a new relationship and a keenness to take extra care of yourself. We all want to look and feel our best when meeting someone new as we are viewed in a totally different light by this person; it’s a chance to reboot ourselves and start a-fresh. Men see Waitrose as the quality choice for food shopping, whilst women see Sainsbury’s as an ideal combination of both quality and value for money.”

The study also revealed that those members who had started an extra-marital relationship admitted to eating healthier and spending more money on supermarket ‘best’ ranges of food. This is as much about a change of routine as it is health driven; trying new foods and breaking eating habits is intrinsically linked to a change of mind-set when deciding to start an affair.

Despite celebrity endorsements and advertisements, Iceland came bottom of the list of supermarkets likely to be frequented by members of

Men Women
1. Waitrose 1. Sainsbury’s
2. Sainsbury’s 2. Waitrose
3. Tesco 3. Co-op
4. Asda 4. Tesco’s
5 Co-op 5. Asda

The UK’s Leading married dating website is the UK’s largest and longest running dating site for married people. With over 800,000 members across the UK, you’re sure to find your perfect match.

Established in 2003, we have been providing a meeting place for like-minded married and attached people for nearly 10 years. Our members have one thing in common – they are all looking for a little romance outside their current relationship. Whether that’s the occasional bit of flirtatious chat, a regular coffee date, or a full-blown affair, that’s up to them.

For comments, case-studies or more information contact Mike Taylor:


Mobile: 07584 435116

Office: 020 7953 7167

Twitter: @illicitmike

Stay at home Dads – Fair game?


Stay at home Dads are no longer a laughing stock. In fact, they are more common than most would think with 1 in 7 families now having Dad as the primary carer, while Mum heads out to the office. The collapse of the gender pay gap -women under 30 now earn more than men and older women are usually only paid less if they take time off to bring up families – means mothers are highly likely to have fatter pay packets than fathers, making it more economical for some Dads to stay at home. As figures are now 10 times higher than back in the 90’s, with 2012 reaching record highs of Dads holding the fort, we ask; does this make these Dads an irresistible target for other women?

Seeing a man with a baby or a puppy is like an aphrodisiac for women, and as Hugh Grant discovered in the movie, About a Boy, while trying to gatecrash a single parents meeting; women like men who are good with children. A male showing his sensitive side sets him apart from regular guys, making the female heart soften while reassuring the ladies that he could surely understand her needs better than most males. So imagine then, the excitement when a fresh Dad walks into a playday with his kids; it’s a Diet Coke moment. What do have here? A man, a father, a carer happy to relieve his wife of some parenting duties? What a wonderful man! These ladies are seeing Mr Stay at Home at his absolute best. You can imagine women huddling together delighted to discuss the handsome new comer with a Desperate Housewives vibe filling the air.

And how do men feel with their newfound fame? The attention must be flattering, and the interest in seemingly mundane tasks mothers have to perform is met with female praise making him suddenly, the best thing ever. Even the most loyal of men would miss this spotlight thrust on them if it were taken away, surely?

Illicit Encounters member *Jeff, tells us his story “ When I was made redundant from my job, my wife and I decided that rather than continue to pay the high rates of child care for our two daughters, I would stay home and look after them while I figured out my next move. My wife has a very good position as an account manager at a top advertising agency, and as a career lady she was not looking to be a fulltime at home mum. I took some time to adjust to my new role, and after a while I felt confident enough to mix with the other parents – who were mainly mums at play dates and coffee mornings. I noticed instantly that the women were different around me, flirty and some openly suggestive – it was almost like I was the new kid at school. I was aroused and excited at the attention, who wouldn’t be? I have a great relationship with my wife, but like many marriages we have become more like brother and sister over the years, and the romance had somewhat disappeared. I felt very tempted and sometimes I had to stop myself from flirting back, but I found myself wanting the attention. At that point, I decided to join Illicit Encounters. There’s no way I would ever get involved with one of the women in my circle – that would be ridiculously stupid, and also risk the embarrassment of my whole family if something were to become public. On the website I just like to chat with women, and yes flirt a little – it gives me the same high that I discovered through my new role, but without anyone getting hurt. I’m also learning a great deal about females just by talking to different women, and I feel this is benefiting my marriage positively”

*Jeff’s story is not uncommon as recent research tells us that 1 in 5 men feel less of a man when they take up this traditionally female role. Feeling they are somehow playing second fiddle to their wives is not an easy transition for some, meaning the attention from other women can help re-establish their power as a man and reassert himself into his new found society as a key player outside of the home once again. While some working Mums are grateful to their stay at home partners, the temptation to emasculate them is also strong and requires a fine balance between gratitude, and remembering the change for some men needs as much attention as their hard earned careers.

The UK’s Leading married dating website is the UK’s largest and longest running dating site for married people. With over 800,000 members across the UK, you’re sure to find your perfect match.

Established in 2003, we have been providing a meeting place for like-minded married and attached people for nearly 10 years. Our members have one thing in common – they are all looking for a little romance outside their current relationship. Whether that’s the occasional bit of flirtatious chat, a regular coffee date, or a full-blown affair, that’s up to them.

For comments, case-studies or more information contact Mike Taylor:


Mobile: 07584 435116

Office: 020 7953 7167

Twitter: @illicitmike

Is cheating written in the stars?


Whether you believe in astrology or not, we all fall into certain groups of sun signs depending on the time of our birth during the astrological year. Astrology then tells us that within these groups, we will have different personal traits that define us as true to our sign. Traditionally more popular with females than males as most are quick to dismiss belief in such a system, ladies magazines and websites are saturated with regular astrology guides to finding love, perfect astro matches, and which sign is more likely to stay faithful or stray during a relationship.

Illicit Encounters (the UK’s largest extra marital dating website) were particularly interested to see if the signs most regularly named and shamed as the most faithful and unfaithful rang true among our members, and unfortunately for those non-believers, the findings matched the profile of these signs perfectly! So here is a quick guide to the sun signs who don’t strain to tell a lie and those who are more cautious to try….

The astrological sign, and the largest group of Illicit Encounters members is indeed Pisces, the slippery fish who falls in – and out – of love easily and has an occasional issue with telling the truth. Many are fooled into thinking this sensitive and romantic sign would never stray, but they are masters of deception within the waters of love. You may think you know your Pisces partner but they are also experts at covering their tracks, meaning ignorance may be bliss with your smooth lover!

The second most likely sign to be unfaithful – and also Illicit Encounter’s number two is of course the head strong Aries. This sign is always looking out for number one, putting their needs before anyone else and their sexual appetite is notorious. Even though they fall heavily in love along with the other fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius, they simply cannot keep it in their pants as well as their loyal siblings. Naturally dynamic, fiery, and extrovert personalities make Aries irresistible to others and they love the thrill of the chase, even more so when chasing something forbidden…

The third most popular member is strong willed Taurus. This fixed sign is dependable, romantic, steady and committed. Once settled into a routine these sturdy signs do not like change and will give a partner plenty of signs if something is wrong within a relationship. If their worries and feelings are ignored however, these loving bulls may not be able to resist romantic temptation and may go in search of someone new who will understand them, while secretly hoping to fix their primary relationship. Word to the wise for partners of Taureans: pay attention to the signs!

The most traditionally faithful astrological signs also mirrored the least number of members on the Illicit Encounters website. The sign with the least number of sign ups was loyal and steadySagittarius. Friendly, comfortable and content, it takes a lot to make this laidback sign look for an extra adventure outside of their relationship. They do however enjoy a flirt, and their fun loving nature could be easily enticed by showing them your lust for life and tender side. They also need a lot of space and hate to be tied down, so a Sagittarian who feels restricted could rebel by looking for a new mate to show a partner not to restrict their carefree ways.

The most loyal sign number two and second least number of Illicit Encounters members is smoldering Scorpio. A massive misconception of Scorpio is that due to their ability to practically sweat sex they are simply not to be trusted. Unlike its fellow water sign Pisces at the top of the unfaithful list; these trustworthy lovers are very loving and steadfast in their intimate relationships. However, while you will never find a more devoted lover than a Scorpio, they will only be faithful as long as you are and not one moment more. If you break a Scorpio’s trust by two-timing them, you’ll lose their loyalty forever – and you can expect some kind of revenge payback in return!

And finally, the third sign of the zodiac least likely to cheat, and Illicit Encounters number 3, is down to earth Virgo. Refined and intelligent, this sign knows exactly who and what it wants and will work hard to get it. Practical considerations prevail where love is concerned and sex isn’t usually a particularly big deal. Certainly, this sign isn’t known for its philandering – probably because being a workaholic by nature, it simply doesn’t have the time. Similar to fellow earth sign Capricorn they may wait years before settling down ensuring they make the right choice, and if they haven’t they will find it very hard to leave a marriage out and out, so an affair with an earth sign is possible.

So there you have it – forewarned is forearmed!

Star Signs
1. Pisces 11.9%
2. Aries 9.9%
3. Taurus 9%
4. Aquarius 8.8%
5. Gemini 8.6%
6. Capricorn 8.5%
7. Cancer 8.4%
8. Leo 7.9%
9. Libra 7.7%
10. Virgo 7.4 %
11. Scorpio 7%
12. Sagittarius 4.9%

The UK’s Leading married dating website is the UK’s largest and longest running dating site for married people. With over 800,000 members across the UK, you’re sure to find your perfect match.

Established in 2003, we have been providing a meeting place for like-minded married and attached people for nearly 10 years. Our members have one thing in common – they are all looking for a little romance outside their current relationship. Whether that’s the occasional bit of flirtatious chat, a regular coffee date, or a full-blown affair, that’s up to them.

For comments, case-studies or more information contact Mike Taylor:


Mobile: 07824 357512

Office: 020 7953 7167

Twitter: @illicitmike